Just take a bit off the top thanks.
There is a belief amongst certain sections of the Anti death penalty crowd that Pro death supporters are 'bloodthirsty'. They seem to think all of us are counting down to every execution, a glint in our eyes and rubbing our hands together in some type of sadaistic anticipation for the death to come. Indeed some believe all Pros are sitting around death penalty internet websites, salivating at different methods of execution and getting some kind of weird sexual thrills from them.
And this simply is not true. Its a myth, a cheap shot in order to make Pros look like rabid sickos and barbarians. Yes you get the "Fry Circus" mob standing outside prisons with placards saying all manner of crazy stuff but Antis do this too. There are crazies on both sides, and you only have to visit the forums online dedicated to the death penalty to see it. (The 'death row groupie' sites are particularly disturbing.)
By and large though, Pro death supporters are very normal and show no hint of this silly 'bloodlust'. I know, im one of them! Truth is, whenever an execution occurs it barely registers on my 'Thrill 'O Meter', unable to raise a smile let alone an erection. All I feel is glad that the suitable (in my opinion) punishment was handed out and happy the murdered victims family got what they wanted (if they wanted it, I realise some families don't.) Thats it, not a cheer or swinging dick in sight.
If I was truly bloodthirsty and the type to get cheap thrills from death, there are many other avenues to quench my thirst for vein claret and they would be much more satisfying than hanging around execution sites waiting for some mope to receive his/her lethal jab. Hell that right there is why there can be hardly any lust for blood ~ lethal injection. Laughs Out Loud. Death by sleeping, yeah sure, that is really going to get someone in a fit and frenzy. If we were still breaking people on the wheel or stuffing them in brazen bulls then these idiot antis (not the sensible ones) might have a point but we don't so there.
If Pros wanted to get kicks out of things dying we would go out and shoot a few kittens or stomp on sparrows or whatever. Guess what? We don't, because by and large pro death penalty supporters are not sick.
And you will not find any irony with me posting this on a blog titled "Execution Island". This entire place was created as a pi$$ take, a caricature if you will of how some misguided souls think we are.